A few things are given that we all understand about the network marketing industry: recruiting is one of the key elements in the success of any business; you (as a business owner) must understand the gifts recruits bring to the company; you must be sure that as many recruits as possible have the staying power to make yours a better organization; and you must understand that there is one major element working against you in this: time.
We all understand the idea that under the best of circumstances, a good network marketing employee can take 3 percent of his/her effort to get a 100 percent return. We call this effortless prosperity. New people coming into the business may be used to the exact opposite – spending 100 percent of their time gaining 3 percent of the return, which is exactly the opposite of effortless prosperity. The key to this effortless prosperity is having a secondary source of income such as a network marketing business.
Leverage is a huge part of network marketing, and is where you get a big organization and you’re trading your time for money or money for time. The bigger you grow your organization – locally, nationally or globally – is leveraging your time. There are only so many networking events you can go to, only so many trainings or coffee shops or other venues.
Let’s say you get two people in your organization: one on your left and one on your right, or so, and you teach them how to get two more recruits each.
Imagine you have a great training for your business associates – regardless of what kind of business you have. It helps teach you and helps you and your team learn how to grow your organization.
I am sure your company provides the training on how to sponsor the person on your left and the one on your right. Effectively recruit them to help you grow your business. After that, the key to this is, they go out like you’ve done and get two more people, and then those get two more—and you’re effectively leveraging your time.
It works out for some rapid growth … two, four, eight, sixteen and on until the business is huge.
One of my colleagues had 350,000 people in his organization and the other had more than 600,000 people in 53 countries. That kind of structure can be built with leverage and as it gets bigger, exerts a lot more leverage in favor of the company.
Imagine that kind of leverage, but you’re not going to start out there. If you hear somebody say you’re going to get rich quick, it’s not going to happen. With each new person you add, you also add more leverage. You won’t become a mega-company overnight, but you if you stay on the path you will become much more successful.